Your incredible support makes it possible for Beth Emunah to continue serving you, your family, and the local community.

Donate below, Venmo (@BethEmunah), Zelle (, or mail your gift to our office. All donations are tax deductible.

please designate which of the following you wOULD LIKE your donation to benefit

  • Israel*

  • helping hands

  • Ukraine*

  • Uganda

on the donation form provided.

*You may also donate directly to the MJAA JOSEPH PROJECT for israel relief and/or CHEVRA for humanitarian aid to ukraine.


Beth Emunah Messianic Synagogue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of California. Specific information about our non-profit status is available by contacting us at (818) 597-9700 or